Tourism trade having their say in the election for a new UNWTO Secretary General

Campaigns for the next United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary General (SG) are in full swing. Seven candidates are competing to lead the UNWTO: from Armenia – Mr. Vahan Martirosyan, from Brazil – Mr. Márcio Favilla, from Colombia – Mr. Jaime Alberto Cabal Sanclemente, from Georgia – Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, from the Republic of Korea – Mrs. Young-shim Dho, from Seychelles – Mr. Alain St. Ange, and from Zimbabwe – Mr. Walter Mzembi.

事務局は、必要な書類が添付されていない他の105つの申請書を受け取りました。 したがって、申請書は第XNUMX回執行評議会に提出されません。

A nominee will be elected by the UNWTO Executive Council at its 105th session to be held on May 11-12, 2017 in Madrid, Spain, and will be recommended to the UNWTO General Assembly, which will take the final decision on the candidature for appointment to the post of Secretary General at its twenty-second session, to be held from September 4-9, 2017 in Chengdu, China. Thirty-four countries are members of the UNWTO Executive Council: Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bulgaria, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Flanders, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Peru, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, and Zambia.

ほとんどの候補者はロビー活動と執行委員会のメンバーへの連絡に焦点を合わせていますが、セイシェルの元観光大臣であるアラン・セントアンジュは異なるアプローチをとっています。 彼は、民間部門からの支持を得ることは、執行評議会の国々が彼に投票することに影響を与えるだろうと感じています。 アランは常に好意的で人気のある大臣であり、近づきやすく、コミュニケーションも容易でした。

The candidates for the post of Secretary General of the UNWTO have all followed different paths in their campaign for the top job in tourism, but all seven candidates have been appealing to the 34 voting countries for a vote. Courtesy visits to countries are being made to woo them for a vote followed by breakfast, lunch, or dinner meetings and endorsement cocktails at tourism trade fairs. This all involves money and lots of it, and this is where the country’s support of their candidates is very apparent.

St.Ange is the mid-ocean islands of Seychelles’ candidate for SG of the UNWTO. He has opened his doors to the press and was on Quest Means Business with Richard Quest on CNN and also with Adam Boulton on Sky TV and BBC Radio Africa over and above a number of full-color magazines such as FIRST of the UK and many in Africa and the Middle East. As St.Ange appealed to ministers of tourism for their votes, he also appealed to the tourism trade to help his bid.

“Whoever is elected as the new SG of the UNWTO will impact your industry. You need someone who will hears you, one who will be a facilitator to your country and their tourism minister; you need someone who will be a leader and yet a friend, so help me out,” St.Ange said to the tourism trade right across the world.

この呼びかけは、承認の手紙とそれらの多くをもたらしました。 この呼びかけはまた、障害者、LGBT、女性団体、民族グループ、商工会議所、さらにはライオンズクラブなどのロビーグループからの支持をもたらし、セイシェルのセントアンジュを彼らの優先候補として支持するよう呼びかけました。 旅行や観光の報道機関、そして多くの島の州からの政治家も出てきました。

Alain St.Ange, who reacts to each and every Letter of Endorsement, says it is always better to let those who have worked with him speak up for him. “Saying you are good is one thing, this is you blowing your own trumpet, but when those who know you speak up, it shows your belief in democracy and the decentralization of the UN body for tourism,” says St.Ange, who argues that it is not enough to depend on the few who sit in the electoral college of the UNWTO. “The world of tourism needs to be a ward of this coming election, because the new SG will impact tourism and its development for the next four years,” Alain St.Ange said.
セイシェルの候補者は、観光民間部門の貿易や国際的な報道機関から多くの支持の手紙を受け取りました。 セイシェルの候補者はまた、セイシェルのダニーフォール大統領、およびセイシェルの国連へのセントアンジュ入札への支持について公開書簡を書いた島の創設者であるジェイムスマンチャム卿から承認書を受け取りました。彼が亡くなるXNUMX週間前。

Other letters came in from the Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands Organization (Comoros, Mayotte, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles);  the Africa Ports Association of Eastern and Southern Africa (PMAESA); the Tanzania Society of Travel Agents (TASOTA); the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association (SHTA); Fred W. Finn, the World’s Most Travelled Person Guinness World Records; the Seychelles Hindu Kovil Sangam Association, India’s important N.R.I. Welfare Society; the Creole Travel Services of Seychelles; and the Association of Tourism Professionals of Mauritius (ATP); and Eden Island Seychelles.

Bea Broda, the known Producer/Writer/Host/Speaker from the Americas, wrote: “One candidate that stands out to me is Alain St.Ange, the former Minister of Tourism of Seychelles. In the seven years that I have been familiar with his work, I have witnessed the extraordinary dedication, enthusiasm, and visionary brilliance that resulted in his enormous success in this role. St.Ange took a relatively small island nation in the middle of the Indian Ocean and created a way to bring Seychelles to the forefront of global attention with the enactment of the Carnaval International de Victoria. This international event experienced six years of success, not only bringing interest and tourism to the nation, but proudly unifying all of the people who live there towards a common goal. In addition, St.Ange was a founder of the Vanilla Islands of the Indian Ocean, a consortium designed to combine the strengths of the islands located in the Indian Ocean to present a strong front in a competitive market. He has worked ceaselessly in the direction of the absolute success of those issues to which he cheerfully commits his time, and I would personally like to see someone with his considerable vision, dedication, and creativity take the helm of an organization as influential to tourism as UNWTO.”

評判の高い旅行作家のテレサ・セントジョンは、「旅行、観光、そしてそのビジネスの背後にいる人々について情熱的に話す人と交流する機会はめったにありません」と述べています。 また、St.Angeを支持しているのはHonです。 ザビエル・リュック・デュバル、元モーリシャス副首相、観光を担当し、インド洋バニラ諸島の元大統領、現在はモーリシャスの野党党首。 セイシェル商工会議所; フランスのGIHP(Groupement pour l'insertion des personnes Handicapees Physiques)の開発を担当する副社長Gilbert Lamory; 旅行の王、ジョニー・ローレガー。 セイシェル候補の元政治的同僚であるハーディ・ルーカス。

Germany’s Thomas Cook Group Airlines Condor Flugdienst GmbH, a leading European Leisure Airlines Group said, “Alain St.Ange is in the top league by global comparison, and we wish him all the best for his candidacy for the UNWTO,” and Wolfgang H. Thome of the Aviation, Tourism & Conservation News from Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands, wrote, “St.Ange is My Man for the UNWTO Top Job.” Maxime Behar, the President of the ICCO, the largest public relations community in the world, being in 48 countries, said, “I know Alain St.Ange as a perfect professional who understands every single small detail in the tourism business, but also has a wide vision on the whole world and knows how to make this business much more efficient and result oriented.” On his part, Peter Sinon, former Seychelles Ambassador & Minister and former Executive Director of the African Development Bank for Africa’s Eastern Constituency said, “I wholeheartedly endorse Alain St.Ange for the post of Secretary General of the UNWTO,” and the AIOM, the Association of Inbound Operators (Mauritius) has also now endorsed him.

One journalist who writes daily on tourism and aviation in East Africa is Wolfgang H. Thome, and he also came out to say the St.Ange was his man for the UNWTO. Wolfgang Thome wrote: “Alain St.Ange and I knew of each other way before we met for the first time, notably in Kampala, where he had come to attend a tourism and trade conference for Eastern Africa and COMESA.

「それ以来、彼がセイシェル観光局(STB)の観光マーケティングのディレクターに任命されたとき–当時の「同じ古い同じ古い」にうんざりしている民間人によって提唱され、彼は急速にCEOになりました。 STB –私たちは常にお互いに連絡を取り合っていました。

「アランはアドバイスと経験を大切にし、すべての事実が明らかになる前に腰から撃たなかった男であることが証明されました。それでも、急いで発言や行動を起こすのではなく、説得して他の人に正しい道を説得することを選びました。 。 セイシェルの観光業の運命は、彼がSTBにいる間に上昇し、上昇しました。カーニバルデカーニバル、別名カーニバルインターナショナルデビクトリアは2011年に発足し、このマスターストロークは群島をかつてないほど世界のメディアに押し上げ、XNUMX年後に結果をもたらしました。アランで観光文化大臣に任命されました。

「私たちの関係は、重要な意味ではなく、セイシェルのマーケティングの巨匠が新しいチャンピオンを見つけたので、さらに専門的な交流と交流を可能にすることによって繁栄しました。 St.Angeは迅速に世界の航空業界と関わり、Routes Africaをビクトリアに持ち込み、世界中の観光イベントで非常に人気のある基調講演者になりました。彼は彼の成功の秘訣と、セイシェルが一貫して彼らを上回っていた方法を知りたがっていました。島には90,000人の住民しかいないことを考えると、重量。 St.Angeはまた、セイシェルの観光投資家と利害関係者のチャンピオンになり、セイシェルは業界を取り戻し、クレオールの伝統と文化を反映したユニークな製品を提供し始め、それらの材料をホスピタリティのるつぼに注ぐ必要があると公言しました。業界。

「産業訓練の強力な支持者である彼は、今日他の国の事例研究であるSeychelles Tourism Academy(STA)の背後に力を注ぎ、協力と革新によってSTAがインド洋の観光とホスピタリティ訓練の主要機関になりました。 現在、XNUMX段階の拡張のフェーズXNUMXの最後の仕上げを行っているセントアンジュは、民間セクターを参加させ、業界でのキャリアを築くことに熱心な若いセイシェルの職業訓練と高等教育を支援することを誇りに思うことができます。

“Arrivals grew and grew some more with some phenomenal results in recent years, when visitor arrivals set new records from 2009 onwards, now in excess of 300,000 tourists per annum. January this year saw a rise of 34 percent more tourists streaming into the islands, to a large part attributed to a liberalized aviation regime which St.Ange influenced, adding frequencies, larger aircraft, and new airlines calling on Mahe’s international airport, while at the same time Air Seychelles prospered too with new passenger records year after year. When St.Ange a few weeks ago threw his hat in the ring as a candidate for the post of Secretary General of UNWTO, he first resigned so as not to use the resources of his government for his campaign, even though from the President of Seychelles.”

“From HE Danny Rollen Faure to the grassroot stakeholders in the industry and everyone in between, they have all endorsed him in glowing terms. Alain a few days ago came on invitation of the East Africa Tourism Platform (EATP) and of Uganda’s Minister for Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities. the Hon. Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu, to attend the annual Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo in Kampala. As a keynote speaker and guest of honor at the EATP launch of their ‘Destination East Africa’ web portal, he used the opportunity, as he did in the following panel discussions, the Ministerial Round Table and a series of one-on-one meetings with the East African movers and shakers in the tourism and aviation industry, to present his vision.  His manifesto, submitted with his candidacy documents during FITUR at the UNWTO head offices in Madrid, speaks for itself, as it foresees a transformation of UNWTO into an organization for the entire tourism industry as it presents itself in the 21st century, democratizes it, and brings services to the member countries in the field rather than relying only on the functions of the UNWTO office in Spain. I was able to conduct an interview with Alain as the world was still in awe over his interviews at Sky News with Adam Boulton, with CNN’s Richard Quest, and then on the BBC Focus on Africa program, where he made a perfect case why he should be THE candidate for UNWTO’s top job.

“At that stage, something writers and journalists rarely do but which in my case was prompted by various developments, attributed to other candidates and a minute minority section of other travel media who broke protocol to start with by their partiality in reporting when they ditched journalistic principles of fairness and equality, I decided it is time that I too take a stand. Therefore, I now stand side by side with Alain St.Ange as I declare my support for his campaign and without inducements or promised favors, endorse him as my candidate for the upcoming UNWTO elections in May. And that is more than I can say about others who professed friendship when Alain held office and moved to greener pastures when, principled as he is, he resigned to run his own campaign without using his government’s hard-earned tourism revenues or neglecting his duty as a minister by being on the campaign trail for several months.”

インドセイシェル協会のラム・ピレイ氏は、次のように述べています。「私たちはアラン・ストアンジュと緊密に協力し、セイシェルの開発で演じられたセイシェルのインドの役割を記念するイベント、セイシェル-インドの日のお祝いを作成しました。セイシェル。 St.Ange大臣は彼の言葉の男であり、セイシェルはすべての人への敬意が指針となる国であると反響することを恥ずかしがりませんでした。 大臣は、彼の任務を通じて、セイシェルでは、あなたの肌の色、あなたの宗教的信念、あなたの政治的所属、あなたが持っているかもしれないあらゆる形態の障害、そしてあなたの性的嗜好に関係なく、あなたは人と社会の尊敬を必要とする人。 コミュニティとして、私たちは常にアラン・ストアンジュ大臣の大臣官邸で非常に好評であり、彼が私たちの要求や提案に耳を傾けてくれたことを常に尊重していました。 セイシェルに到着した最初のインド人入植者の歴史の壁は、セイシェルを「文化のるつぼ」として認めるだけでなく、彼らにふさわしい重要性を与えて、すべての支部を見るという大臣の決意のために、国立文化センターに建てられました。 彼の毎年恒例のカーニバルインターナショナルデビクトリアは、「すべての人の友と誰の敵」をテーマにしたこの文化のるつぼイベントを共有するために、国のコミュニティから国を連れてくるのを見ました。 アラン・ストアンジュ大臣は情熱とプロ意識を持った観光パーソナリティであり、私たちインドのセイシェル共同体は、彼を国連世界観光機関の事務局長の候補者として承認することに留保していません。 11年2017月XNUMX日にセントアンジュ大臣が成功することを願って、すべての愛国心が強いセイシェルに参加してください。」

セイシェルのヒンズー教評議会のナラシムハン・ラマニ氏は、次のように述べています。「セイシェルのヒンズー教評議会は、誇りと名誉の問題として、アラン・セントアンジュ氏を国連事務総長の地位に支援することを感じています。ネイションズ世界観光機関。 アラン・ストアンジュ氏は、彼の血の流れの中で観光の主題を持っており、多くの旅行関連組織によって承認されているように、世界で最も美しいビーチを所有することに誇りを持っているラディーグ島で生まれました世界。 観光業界でさまざまな立場でセイシェルに奉仕してきた彼は、観光セクターの誇り、事実、困難について深い知識を持っています。 インド洋地域の観光を促進するためのバニラ諸島の概念の彼の発明、カーナバルデビクトリア、セイシェルインドデー、およびセイシェルチャイナデーは、セイシェルを世界中に普及させるために、観光大臣としての彼のキャリアのマイルストーンです。 さらに、St.Ange氏は、色、信条、言語、宗教、民族の政治を超えた人物であり、さまざまな文化や国籍の人々をXNUMXつのプラットフォームにまとめて利益を得る努力をしたことで高く評価されています。国。 観光をテーマにした世界中のさまざまなプラットフォームでのリードおよび基調講演者としての彼の参加は、彼が争っているポストに最も適した候補者であるという事実を支持しています。 彼のポストへの選出は、セイシェルだけでなく、私たちのインド洋地域、アフリカ大陸、そして第三世界の国々全体にも誇りをもたらすでしょう。 私たちセイシェルのヒンドゥー評議会のメンバーは、アラン・ストアンジュ氏の立候補を心から支持します。」

メルビン・ジョーンズ・クラブおよびライオンズ・クラブ・オブ・セイシェルの会長であるK.ヴィヴェガナンダン博士は、次のように述べています。ネイションズ世界観光機関の選挙。 セイシェルは、国連世界観光機関の事務総長の地位を争っている国々と並んで私たちの名前がリストされていることを誇りに思っています。 私たちは、元観光・民間航空・港湾・海洋大臣であり、セイシェルライオンズクラブの会員であるアラン・セントアンジュを知っています。 国のために成功するための彼の献身は常にとても明白でした。 彼の観光への情熱は、彼が引っ越したすべての場所で、そして彼が行ったすべてのスピーチで見られ、私たちの観光産業の成功は彼の情熱の結果でした。 ライオンズクラブセイシェルは本日、セイシェルの国連世界観光機関事務総長候補であるアラン・ストアンジュを支持しています。同時に、ライオンズクラブ国際協会にもこの有能な観光専門家を支持するよう呼びかけています。」

The Lions Club of Kiev in the Ukraine has followed the example of the Seychelles Lion’s Club and is calling on their members to push the Seychelles candidacy for the post of Secretary General of the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization). The Lion Club members of these two clubs are also calling on members of the Executive Council of the UNWTO they know to express their support for Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles candidate.

ウクライナのキエフのライオンズクラブによるこの動きは、セイシェルのセントアンジュにとって興味深いものです。セイシェルは、ヨーロッパの観光機関が彼を支援するために前進しているのを見てきました。 ギネス世界記録によると世界で最も旅行者であり、グルジア国家観光局の名誉代表であるフレッドW.フィンによってすでに承認されているセントアンジュは、ドイツのベルリンで開催されたITB観光見本市でレラクルステフスカの支援を受けました。マケドニア政府観光局の

Macedonia said that one of the main reasons for their endorsement of the Seychelles candidate was his immense experience and positive attitude, which they believe is really important in maintaining the high profile and respect that UNWTO has achieved in recent years, not only in the tourism industry but across a broader spectrum that will pitch UNWTO to a new position that will help to unify the industry. The Macedonia representative also said that the tourism industry provides rewarding and important employment opportunities for women in developed and developing countries and that this helps to provide women with economic independence and empowerment and strengths their position in society. “As a woman myself, I am convinced that Mr. St.Ange will help the gentler sex and will drive initiatives that improve the position of women even further. I would be more than happy to assist him with this,” Lela Krstevska of Macedonia said.

On his part, Fred Finn, the World’s Most Travelled Person as per the Guinness World Records and the Ambassador Honorable Representative of Georgian National Tourism Administration, said in his endorsement that he had known Alain for 20 years or more from when he was in the hospitality industry in Seychelles, and that he had worked alongside this passionate man with vision. “I have been a follower of Alain’s career; his success is a tribute to his hard work. I have been delighted to write about him in OK Magazine, talked on TV shows, and in leading newspapers around the world to talk about Seychelles.  Alain has inspired this love of Seychelles not only in me but so many around the world. I now list Seychelles, because of Alain’s interest in me all those years ago, as one on my favorite destinations in everything I write and talk about. I can think of no better person to become Secretary General of the UNWTO than this hardworking, dedicated, talented professional so that he may continue to succeed in his tourism visions on your much bigger stage,” said Fred Finn.

From Europe, CONDOR, the German Airline of Germany, has also echoed support for St.Ange of the Seychelles. Dr. Jens Boyd, the Commercial Director Long Haul for Thomas Cook Group Airlines Condor Flugdienst GmbH, came out with his support for the Seychelles candidate Alain St.Ange for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Dr. Jens Boyd of Thomas Cook Group Airlines Condor wrote: “As a leading European Leisure Airlines Group, we are happy to share our experience in working with former Minister Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles, with whom we were able to successfully grow tourism flows from Central Europe to his home country, and to the Indian Ocean Islands in general. Alain has built an efficient national tourism board organization, established several events to draw global attention, and rallied all local agencies and interest groups behind the objective of bringing more tourists to Seychellois shores. The best tourist leaders are working along the same lines, and this certainly puts him in the top league by global comparison. What has set him apart from even that crowd in our eyes is an all-encompassing view to tourism development that does not stop at his own shores. Alain was actively promoting trips across multiple Indian Ocean Island nations or combinations with mainland Africa, seeing the benefits that a bigger Indian Ocean tourism can bring to all islands. The Vanilla Islands initiative is a pinnacle achievement in that respect, and with the help of Alain and that initiative, we were also able to increase our capacity to Mauritius. Furthermore, as direct air access is and remains a critical part to developing tourism, Alain was an attentive listener and driver of a new national air services regime that allowed not only us, but also other carriers, to build new air connections to the Seychelles. His willingness and ability to identify the critical issues, to discuss them with the various private and political parties, and to find mutually agreeable solutions in a broader context have set him apart from most other tourism leaders we work with. Not least his personality and energy were a key building stone in this success.”

From Bulgaria, the ICCO President, Maxim Behar, on his part said that Alain St.Ange is the perfect candidate for Secretary General of UNWTO. ICCO, the largest public relations community in the world, having 48 countries from all continents with more than 3,000 firms, said: “I know Alain St.Ange as perfect professional who understands every single small detail in the tourism business, but also has a wide vision on the whole world and knows how to make this business much more efficient and result oriented. I fully agree with Alain that the tourism business must be much more united and to work for a better environment, and to emphasize on cultural heritage and specialized travels. But also, Alain is a great personality – he united not only businesses and countries, he united people and ideas, and this is one of his greatest advantages.”

Johnny Rohregger, the “King of Travel from Germany” as he is known in the tourism and travel world has also come out to endorse Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles candidate for the position of Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). In a letter, the King of Travel writes: “With pleasure I think on the Seychelles which are stuck on your name. You have been and still are the best representative of your country. Charming and positive, you invite the world to visit the islands of Seychelles. I will never forget the hearty welcome on Denis Island with the red flower carpet – no wind allowed to blow it away, and the friendly laughing faces off your staff who gave a real feeling of welcoming. You continue many more surprises, and I don’t get tired to recommend your Denis Island in my traveling to friends and ex-clients. King Johnny goes further to add, success and luck, we recommend you on our side.”

“Tourism for all” without discrimination was the message being pushed as GIHP, the important lobby group for the involvement of the physically handicapped of France who also threw their support behind Alain St.Ange for SG of the UNWTO. In the French city of Paris, Gilbert Lamory took time to address the press about discrimination in the world of tourism. Gilbert Lamory, the Vice President responsible for Development for GIHP (Groupement pour l’insertion des personnes Handicapees Physiques) of France said that a lot could still be done to respect those who are physically handicapped. Gilbert Lamory on behalf of the GIHP presented Alain St.Ange with a letter of endorsement, and also copies of the GIHP’s worldwide coordinated call for support for St.Ange. Mr. Lamory, who has been a for a number of years the advisor and instructor at the Federation National des Offices du Tourisme et Syndicats d’Initiative to push forward the plight of the handicapped, spoke with emotion to the press present at the presentation of the GIHP letter of endorsement to St.Ange. “There is still a lot to do in many countries for the handicapped persons to travel freely,” he said, before adding that in 2017 the handicapped population of the world had the opportunity to help get someone elected to the post of Secretary General of the UNWTO who was particularly concerned of the concept of tourism for all. “In effect, the election of the new Secretary General of the UNWTO that will be taking place in May will have amongst the candidates Alain St.Ange, who is clearly concerned by the facilities available for those falling in the grouping of handicapped travelers,” Gilbert Lamory said.

“Memo Planet” the French company promoting international tourism, also wrote to say that they were standing behind Seychelles candidate St.Ange for Secretary General of the UNWTO. “We have known Alain St.Ange as Minister responsible for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine, and even before that when he only had the Tourism and Culture portfolios, and admired his passion for tourism. This is why, as a known tourism professional video company, we are writing to publicly endorse him as the candidate for Secretary General for the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Mr. St.Ange could never understand NO, and always wanted to find solutions. He believed in working beyond borders and coined many tag lines to attach the lndian Ocean Islands together and also these lovely islands with mainland Africa. We know, and many of my professional photographers share our views, that Alain St.Ange is so well suited for the United Nations position, which is why we are today endorsing him from the ‘tourism at large’ community,” said Remi Voluer of My Lovely Planet.

The Lion’s Club of Kiev of Ukraine also came out. “On behalf of Kyiv Lions Club, it is my pleasure to endorse Alain St.Ange, former Minister of Tourism, Ports, Airports and Culture of Seychelles, for the position of Secretary General of UNWTO. Kyiv Lions Club is indebted to Alain St.Ange for his friendship to Ukraine, and to Kyiv Lions Club in particular, as with his involvement, Seychelles tourism has provided an invaluable contribution to our fundraising activities. His involvement has helped us raise money for many worthy causes, while at the same time bringing Seychelles to the notice of many in Ukraine. Those who have traveled to Seychelles have all come back full of praise for the tourism wonder that Alain St.Ange has built in Seychelles.

“His proven track record of uniting tourism, cultural understanding, and business with worthy causes shows a man of repute and sincerity, a person fit and proper to serve as Secretary General of UNWTO. On behalf of Kyiv Lions Club, I wish Alain St.Ange luck and look forward to welcoming him in Kyiv in his new role,” said Karen-Marie Kragelund, Kyiv Lions Club President in the Ukraine.

The Seychelles candidate has amassed a long list of endorsements from Africa, Asia, Europe, and from the rest of the world. “I prefer to let the world of tourism say what they think of me instead of me telling the world what I have done. The world at large knows that I have been a hands-on minister of tourism and delivered for this industry. It was not talk but action by a leader who remained a friend of the industry pushing for tourism for all without discrimination,” said Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles candidate for SG of the UNWTO.
